Mission Statement

The Lynchburg Green Building Initiative is an organization whose mission is to transform Lynchburg

and the surrounding areas through sustainable and environmentally responsible planning, design, construction

and operation of the area’s buildings, landscapes, cities and communities. It is our wish to be mindful

of the legacy left for future generations as we move forward.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Navy 111 Chair - from recycled bottles

What does Coca-Cola, Interior Design and the Environment have in common?
After four years of research, design and materials testing, Coca Cola and Emeco have given birth to the fabulous Navy 111 Chair.  What great news for us interior decorator loving folks?  It is a remake of the ultra modern and classic Navy Chair made in 1944 only this time, it has been designed to use materials that have already been though at least one round of use - plastic Coke bottles.  The Navy 111 Chair is expected to keep 3 million PET bottles out of the landfills each year.  What is PET you say?  It is the common way of saying thermoplastic polymer resin (and the polymer family) which is mostly used in synthetic fibers; beverage, food and other liquid containers and some engineering resins that are combined with glass fiber. Much better to put those PET bottles into something that is usable - rather than the landfills, which are growing taller each hour of the day.  Not only is the chair made of re-used plastic materials, but it's super durable and functions outdoors as well. Beat that, Pepsi.  

Check out the chair for yourself - sold a Design Within Reach  http://www.dwr.com/home.do
Or, if you'd like - go to the DSW home page and read all about the Navy 111 Chair promotion.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, How do I get in touch with you? There is no email or contact info listed .. please advise .. thanks .. Mary. Please contact me maryregency at gmail dot com
